Should I Lease or Finance My Next Car?

What does it mean to lease a car? Leasing a car is similar to renting to own a home, the lessee doesn’t own the car and has no equity in it despite the monthly payments. As with renting to own a home, your car lease payment will remain the same for the duration of…
Ins And Outs Of Buying Your First Home!

Buying Your First Home? If you’re planning on purchasing your first home in the near future, you may have already asked yourself this question. Do I want to buy a resale home or a brand new one? Whether it’s a resale or a new home, there are some things that you…
Financial Literacy: A Great Legacy For Your Children!

“Go to school and work hard to get good grades so that when you graduate you’ll get a good job and be successful, and hence be able to take care of yourself and your family!” Were you told that when you were growing up? And did you believe that success was more or…
Assets vs Liabilities: Which Ones Are You Buying?

What Is An Asset? An asset is something that has monetary value. Put simply, an asset is anything that puts money in your pocket. Examples of assets are: money in the bank, stocks, bonds, and rental properties. What is Liability? A liability is a claim on your…
Inflation: The Silent Money Killer

What is Inflation? I do like Investopedia’s definition of inflation: It is the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time. A quantitative estimate of the rate at which the decline in purchasing power occurs can be reflected in the increase of an average…
Buy Smart and Track Your Expenses

Tracking Your Expenses One of the reasons many consumers overspend is because they don’t track their expenses, so they are clueless about how much money they have except for perhaps soon after they get paid. If you use only cash or your debit card to make purchases,…
Financial Planning: Think of Your Family!

One reason why financial planning is so important is your family. Whether it ís your spouse, your children, or your parents, it ís imperative that you consider them in all your planning. The best way to plan is to make sure you understand the 3 phases of the wealth…
Good Debt Vs Bad Debt

What is Debt? Debt is anything that is borrowed by one party from another, but in this context the focus is on money borrowed. When someone borrows money, there’s usually an arrangement for the debtor (person who borrows the money) to repay the creditor (the…
How to Effectively Manage Your Credit Cards?

About Credit Cards In the previous blog titled: Credit Card vs Line of Credit: Which One Should I Use? You learned the following about a credit card: It is a card that is issued by a financial institution, such as a bank or a credit union, that enables the…
Credit Card vs Line of Credit: Which One Should I Use?

What is a Credit Card? A credit card is a card that is issued by a financial institution, such as a bank or a credit union, that enables the cardholder to borrow funds from the institution, then pay the money back, with interest, based on the terms the institution…