Another Way To Supplement Your Retirement Income Using Tax-Free Money!

When many of us think about retirement income, some of the first things that come to mind are: Pension Retirement Savings Plan Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Traditional Investments (Savings, Stocks & Bonds, Mutual/Portfolio Funds etc.) Real Estate Investments…
Why You Should Rethink Children’s/Grandchildren’s Birthday & Christmas Gifts?

When my boys were younger, it felt like every 2 months either one or both of them were invited to a birthday party. Work in their birthdays and Christmas celebrations, each year I would watch my 2 boys and other children opening numerous gifts about 10 times! Now,…
Why Is Life Insurance A Better Strategy Than Stocks & Mutual Funds To Pass On A Legacy?

For experienced investors that are savvy in the Stock Market, achieving great return on their investment sometimes feel effortless. For this reason this may be their preferred strategy to build wealth for themselves and pass on a legacy to their loved ones. Investors…
How Can My Teenage Daughter Put Even $100 To Good Use Each Month?

One major concern that many parents have these days is that their children may not be able to afford purchasing a home because of the high cost of living and the high prices of homes. Some parents are delighted that their children are able to land a job while they are…
What Can The Poor Do To Get Richer?

One of the reasons why the rich appear to get richer while the poor appear to get poor is significantly related to habits. Humans are creatures of habit, so people will always default to their natural habit of comfort. If over time the rich developed the habit of…
Is Your Income Keeping Up With Cost of Living?

The inflation rate reported at the end of January 2022, was 4.8%. Reports say this is the highest it has been in more than 30 years. However, this is not a true indication of inflation across the board because the increase in house price, for instance, is not factored…
Retirement Planning

Most people spend months in advance planning for and anticipating their one week vacation to their dream location. However, when it comes to their longest vacation in life, retirement, they often do very little or no planning at all. In fact, there are many who…
Debit Card Vs Credit Card: Which is Better?

What is the difference between a Debit Card and a Credit Card? When you use your debit card to pay for goods and services, the full amount of the transaction is withdrawn from your checking account immediately, providing there is sufficient funds to cover the…
How To Use OPM (Other People’s Money) To Build Wealth?

Many of us use OPM on a daily basis without even realizing it. For instance, each time you go to the store and use your credit card to make a purchase, you are using OPM. When you lease or finance your car, you are using OPM. When you take a mortgage to purchase your…
Why Estate Planning Is Super Important!

What Is Estate Planning? Estate Planning is the process of determining the distribution of your assets upon your death. But proper estate planning also covers the management of your personal affairs in the event of your incapacitation. Only a few people think about…